文件名稱XBHP0210/2, XBHP0410/2, XBHP0610/2產品說明直流隔離開關DC switch,XBHP0210/2,XBHP0410/2,XBHP0610/2,DC 21B,1000Vdc,45A
文件名稱XC+150.20,40,60,80DL2E~8E-D產品說明直流隔離開關DC switch,XC+150.20DL2E-D-D,XC+150.20DL4E-D-D,XC+150.20DL6E-D-D,XC+150.20DL8E-D-D,1500Vdc,20A
文件名稱XB1411-2-D產品說明XB switch特性 2 pole= XB3210-2 3 pole =XB3310-2 4 pole= XB3410-2 the difference between XA and XB比較 *In size the XB switch is 5,6 mm shorter due to the different type of mechanism housing of 4,8 mm ( XA is 28,6 mm / XB is 23,8 mm ) The size of the decks is the same *In ratings the XB offers 1000 V- 16 A same is XA 850 V - 20 A same as XA 800 V - 25 A same as XA 650 V -30 A XA is 32 A 450 V -45 A XA has no rating at 450 V so is also 32 A *The blocking position for XB is E blocking ( On at 03:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) the blocking position for XA is H blocking ( On at 09:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) can easy solve this by changing the print on the inverter 90 degrees or change the hole mounting slot 90 degrees versus current solution The XB is fully IEC 60947-1&3 DC 21 B certified at + 70 C and at - 40 C See enclosed test report
文件名稱XB3210-2-D產品說明XB switch特性 2 pole= XB3210-2 3 pole =XB3310-2 4 pole= XB3410-2 the difference between XA and XB比較 *In size the XB switch is 5,6 mm shorter due to the different type of mechanism housing of 4,8 mm ( XA is 28,6 mm / XB is 23,8 mm ) The size of the decks is the same *In ratings the XB offers 1000 V- 16 A same is XA 850 V - 20 A same as XA 800 V - 25 A same as XA 650 V -30 A XA is 32 A 450 V -45 A XA has no rating at 450 V so is also 32 A *The blocking position for XB is E blocking ( On at 03:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) the blocking position for XA is H blocking ( On at 09:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) can easy solve this by changing the print on the inverter 90 degrees or change the hole mounting slot 90 degrees versus current solution The XB is fully IEC 60947-1&3 DC 21 B certified at + 70 C and at - 40 C See enclosed test report
文件名稱XB3310-2-D產品說明XB switch特性 2 pole= XB3210-2 3 pole =XB3310-2 4 pole= XB3410-2 the difference between XA and XB比較 *In size the XB switch is 5,6 mm shorter due to the different type of mechanism housing of 4,8 mm ( XA is 28,6 mm / XB is 23,8 mm ) The size of the decks is the same *In ratings the XB offers 1000 V- 16 A same is XA 850 V - 20 A same as XA 800 V - 25 A same as XA 650 V -30 A XA is 32 A 450 V -45 A XA has no rating at 450 V so is also 32 A *The blocking position for XB is E blocking ( On at 03:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) the blocking position for XA is H blocking ( On at 09:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) can easy solve this by changing the print on the inverter 90 degrees or change the hole mounting slot 90 degrees versus current solution The XB is fully IEC 60947-1&3 DC 21 B certified at + 70 C and at - 40 C See enclosed test report
文件名稱XB3410-2-D產品說明XB switch特性 2 pole= XB3210-2 3 pole =XB3310-2 4 pole= XB3410-2 the difference between XA and XB比較 *In size the XB switch is 5,6 mm shorter due to the different type of mechanism housing of 4,8 mm ( XA is 28,6 mm / XB is 23,8 mm ) The size of the decks is the same *In ratings the XB offers 1000 V- 16 A same is XA 850 V - 20 A same as XA 800 V - 25 A same as XA 650 V -30 A XA is 32 A 450 V -45 A XA has no rating at 450 V so is also 32 A *The blocking position for XB is E blocking ( On at 03:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) the blocking position for XA is H blocking ( On at 09:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) can easy solve this by changing the print on the inverter 90 degrees or change the hole mounting slot 90 degrees versus current solution The XB is fully IEC 60947-1&3 DC 21 B certified at + 70 C and at - 40 C See enclosed test report
文件名稱XB3610-2-D產品說明XB switch特性 2 pole= XB3210-2 3 pole =XB3310-2 4 pole= XB3410-2 the difference between XA and XB比較 *In size the XB switch is 5,6 mm shorter due to the different type of mechanism housing of 4,8 mm ( XA is 28,6 mm / XB is 23,8 mm ) The size of the decks is the same *In ratings the XB offers 1000 V- 16 A same is XA 850 V - 20 A same as XA 800 V - 25 A same as XA 650 V -30 A XA is 32 A 450 V -45 A XA has no rating at 450 V so is also 32 A *The blocking position for XB is E blocking ( On at 03:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) the blocking position for XA is H blocking ( On at 09:00 hrs and Off at 12:00 hrs ) can easy solve this by changing the print on the inverter 90 degrees or change the hole mounting slot 90 degrees versus current solution The XB is fully IEC 60947-1&3 DC 21 B certified at + 70 C and at - 40 C See enclosed test report
文件名稱直流開關附屬配件隔離開關 accessories for DC switch disconnector產品說明SANTON 太陽能直流開關,直流開關,直流斷路器,直流隔離開關 直流開關附屬配件隔離開關 accessories for DC switch disconnector
文件名稱 SANTON DC switch 直流開關 for cCSAus美規及IEC歐規安裝示意圖產品說明SANTON DC switch 直流開關 DC switch disconnector wiring for cCSAus美規及IEC歐規安裝示意圖,直流開關,直流斷路器,直流隔離開關
文件名稱X60.32PKS3E-(A)產品說明SANTON 太陽能直流開關 直流開關 隔離開關 DC switch disconnector 600vdc 3P 32A 盤面型UL美規,直流斷路器,直流隔離開關
文件名稱Fused_20Switches_UK187產品說明SANTON 太陽能直流開關 直流開關 直流熔絲開關 熔絲隔離開關 DC fuse disconnector switch 1000vdc 600A,直流開關,直流斷路器,直流隔離開關